Plate High Inspection Sydney

Ensure your new home build is abiding by the Building Code of Australia and get a professional Plate High Inspection.


What’s involved in a Plate High Inspection

A Plate High Inspection is conducted by a building inspector once the brickwork is complete. Our plate high inspection is the visual inspect of brickwork and takes measurements of rooms against any plans provided. At this time we also observe the slab for cracking and level tolerances. AS4773.2 and the BCA is used for inspection reference.

Our Plate High Inspection will verify the condition of the following:

  • Flashings and weep holes
  • Mortar joints & masonry appearance
  • Lintels
  • Roof straps
  • Wall ties
  • Structural columns
  • Internal dimensions
  • Cracking in masonry
  • Wall Cavity
  • Level & plumb
  • Sub-floor construction (if applicable)
  • Wall cladding (if applicable)

Don’t know what building inspection you need for your Sydney property?

Don’t know what building inspection you need for your Sydney property?


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Why a Sydney Plate High Inspection is important

A Plate High Inspection provides homeowners peace of mind knowing that their new home is not only proceeding according to the plans, but also inline with the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards. It is an inspection that should be completed once the brick work is complete and no later. This allows the building inspector to see all areas that may be of concern and gives the builder time to correct these issues before commencing the next phase of construction.

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Sydney Plate High Inspection cost

At SURE Building Inspections Sydney our pricing for Plate High Inspection depends on the size of the building. All prices are inclusive of GST.

The Plate High Inspection is completed to verify the compliance of the installed brickwork in accordance with AS4773.2-2015 (Masonry in Small Buildings). The inspection will verify the flashings, weep holes, lintels, roof straps, brick ties, wall cavity, cracking, levels, dimensions to plans, mortar joins, door frames, slab cracking and quality of work.

Service Price
1 Bedroom$440
2 Bedrooms$495
3 Bedrooms$550
4 Bedrooms$605
5 Bedrooms$660
6 Bedrooms$715
7 Bedrooms or moreCall for a quote

What's included in your inspection?

Choosing the right inspection is important, which is why our detailed inspection services have various inclusions to suit your home.

Download a PDF version of our inclusions table here

Sydney Plate High Inspection FAQs

A Plate High Inspection should be completed by a building inspector once the brickwork is complete and before the roof goes on.

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A cut above the rest

Purchasing or building a property in Sydney, Wollongong or Newcastle is a significant investment. At SURE Building Inspections, we are qualified professionals, who conduct detailed and thorough inspections, giving you the peace of mind you deserve. We guarantee that you will be glad you chose SURE Building Inspections to conduct your building inspection for your Sydney, Wollongong or Newcastle property.